OpenUtilities Substation Help

Thematic Builder

Lets you create and define properties for a new or existing Thematic for the active project.

Accessed from:
  • Thematic Manager > New Thematic
  • Thematic Manager > Edit Thematic
Note: When editing an existing thematic, the thematic name will display in the title bar and the dialog will be populated with the thematic's existing properties.
Add Theme Creates a new theme for the thematic which you can rename by editing the label field. Multiple themes can be created for a Thematic.
Delete Theme Deletes the selected theme in the Label list.
Move Theme Up/Down Use the arrow buttons to move a selected theme Up or Down one position in the list. The order that the themes are listed in will influence the sequencing in which they are applied when you utilize the thematic that contains these themes.
Review Query Once you define criteria for a theme it will summarize the criteria that you have defined for the theme in a message box for easy inspection.
Add Criteria Adds a new row in the top center data grid which allows you to define a filter criterion based upon any of the attributes defined in the Properties Control.
  • Operand - The first criterion is always a "Where" clause and you cannot change it. Additional criterion that you add allows you to choose between the following choices:
    • AND - Indicates that the preceding criterion and this one must both be true.
    • OR - Indicates that either the preceding criterion or this one can be true.
  • Attribute - Select the attribute from the pull-down list that you want to filter on.
  • Logical - Select the logical operator that you want to apply from the list of choices:
    • = Equals
    • <> Not Equals
    • LIKE
    • NOT LIKE
  • Value - Enter the value for the selected attribute that you want to filter upon. If the selected attribute supported a pick list of choices the Value field will likewise be a pick list featuring the same selection choices.
Delete Criteria Deletes the selected criterion.
Move Criteria Up/Down Use the arrow buttons to move the selected criterion Up or Down one position in the list.
Add Brackets Adds a parenthesis around the selected clause. This may be needed if defining more complex sets of criteria.
Delete Brackets Deletes the parenthesis around the selected clause.
SQL Creates a Where Clause from the criteria you have specified and displays it in the "Custom WHERE clause" text box.
Use custom WHERE clause Enable this toggle if you want the theme to utilize your custom WHERE clause.
Theme Properties Specific the appearance of the theme that you want applied when your specified criteria are met. You can set the following properties:
  • Color - Sets a color for the objects that match the filter criteria.
  • Index -
  • Label - Always matches the name of the theme itself.
  • Line Style - Enter the number of the line style that you want to apply to the objects that match the filter criteria.
  • Line Weight - Enter the number of the line weight that you want to apply to the objects that match the filter criteria.
  • Visible - Select True if you want the objects that match the filter criteria to be visible by default or False if you want them hidden.
Save When editing properties for an existing thematic this option will save the changes.
When creating a new thematic, the following dialog displays when you click the Save option:

Enter a name for the new thematic and click OK to save. The new thematic will be added to the Thematic Manager.

Close Closes the Thematic Builder.